
2024.12.26 01:48.30


Schedule for the semester 16L

Groups of courses Schedules for groups of courses
Reference Reference schedules for groups
Classes of lectures The schedule of lectures belonging to different classes of lectures
Reference schedules for classes of lectures Reference schedules for classes of lectures with specjalizations
Explanations Explanations of symbols used on the schedule
Individual Modiffication of individual schedule (not logged users shoud enable cookies)
Institutes Schedules for institutes


Schedule for the semester 15Z

Groups of courses Schedules for groups of courses
Reference Reference schedules for groups
Classes of lectures The schedule of lectures belonging to different classes of lectures
Reference schedules for classes of lectures Reference schedules for classes of lectures with specjalizations
Explanations Explanations of symbols used on the schedule
Individual Modiffication of individual schedule (not logged users shoud enable cookies)
Institutes Schedules for institutes


Schedule for the semester 15L - STARA WERSJA

Plany wzorcowe Plany wzorcowe dla całych semestrów
Objaśnienia symboli i oznaczeń używanych w planie. Objaśnienia symboli i oznaczeń używanych w planie.
Terminarz Układanie własnego terminarza. (Uwaga! Muszą być włączone cookies!)
Plany wzorcowe ASCII Plany wzorcowe w postaci plików ASCII dla drukarek DOS PC.
Plany dla instytutów ASCII Wykazy zajęć instytutów w postaci plików ASCII dla drukarek DOS PC.

All complaints and remarks related to the schedule: dates of classes, rooms, etc. please send to dr inż. Jerzy Jędrachowicz.

The schedule can be modified in first weeks of the semester - please check for changes.

All complaints and remarks for the program presenting the schedule: bugs, features, suggestions please send to mgr inż. Jerzy Sobczyk.

Serwer STUDIA2 WEiTI 2024.12.26 01:48.30  Uwagi: studia2@elka.pw.edu.pl